2023 - 2024 District Leadership Candidates

Apr-07-2023  | 

The District Leadership Committee (DLC) has interviewed, voted, and is pleased to share the DLC nominated candidates for the 2023-2024 term. For the office of Division Director, the committee was not able to meet the requirements as stated in Protocol 9.0(2)(B)(v).

All eligible floor candidates shall declare their intent to run to the District Director or DLC Chair at least seven (7) days prior to the elections.

Candidates Nominated:

District Director - Charen Kepler, DL5, EC2 (biographical info)

Program Quality Director - Lynn Araki-Regan, DL5, VC5 (biographical info)

Club Growth Director
Aiko Hemingway, DTM (biographical info)
Dominick Yamashita-Potts, IP3 (biographical info)

Division Director
Alicia Curtis, DTM (biographical info)
Rebecca Kanenaka, DTM (biographical info)

District Leadership Committee:
Chair: Kory Ikeda, EC2, MS5
Division A: Kevin Doyle, DTM, PID
Division B: Joy Turbeville, EC2
Division C: Keith Olson, IP3
Division D: Lina Carahasen, DTM
Member At Large Anne Myers, DTM

Charen Kepler

District Director – Charen Kepler, DL5, EC2

Toastmasters member since: October 2016
Education: BA Psychology MA Organizational Management

Toastmasters offices held and terms of service:
District 49 Program Quality Director - Jul. 01, 2022-Jun. 30, 2023
District 49 Club Growth Director Jul. 01, 2021 - Jun. 30, 2022
Area Director, Jul. 01, 2020 - Jun. 30, 2021
Club President – 4 terms
Club Vice President Education – 6 terms
Club Vice President Membership – 4 terms
Club Vice President Public Relations – 1 term

Toastmasters honors and recognition:
Competent Communicator, Competent Leader, Advanced Communicator Bronze, Dynamic Leadership Level 5, and Effective Coaching Level 2

Relevant work experience and how it relates to Toastmasters and your role as a District leader:
Had numerous leadership roles in all the organizations worked for. Currently the Executive Director for the non-profit leadership development program, Ka ipu Kukui.

What experience do you have in strategic planning?
Participated and facilitate in strategic planning while working at Goodwill Industries of Hawaii and Na Hoalola Ekolu/Old Lahaina Luau.

What experience do you have in the area of finance?
All previous and current management positions involved budgets creating and following as well as reporting the numbers.

What experience do you have in developing procedures?
While at Na Hoaloha Ekolu I created countless procedures for varying departments company wide.

What lessons did you learn from previous leadership positions?
Servant leadership and transformational leadership are key concepts to constantly keep in mind when leading people.

Why do you want to serve as a District leader?
We have a great district of members and leaders. I would like to continue learning, while giving back to the Toastmasters community.

In your opinion, what are the District mission’s major objectives and how would you work to achieve them?
To support and open new clubs. To keep the district thriving and growing. Support the district as a whole to help make positive changes that will strengthen clubs and leaders.

Additional information about yourself:

Lynn Araki Regan Toastmasters

Program Quality Director – Lynn Araki-Regan, DL5, VC5

Toastmasters member since: 2019
Education: Bachelor of Science – Accounting, Santa Clara University Juris Doctorate, William S. Richardson School of Law, University of Hawai’I at Manoa

Toastmasters offices held and terms of service:
Vice President Public Relations – Nov. 21, 2019 to present
Vice President Education – Jul. 01, 2021 to present
President – Jul. 01, 2021 to present
Club Growth Director – Jul. 01, 2022 to present

Toastmasters honors and recognition:
Dynamic Leadership Path, completed Aug. 22, 2021
Visionary Communication Path, completed Nov. 21, 2022
Toastmaster of the Year, 2021, 2022

Relevant work experience and how it relates to Toastmasters and your role as a District leader:
Licensed attorney since 1995 (Variety of hard and soft skills to achieve success and positive outcomes for others); Past Budget Director (familiar with budgeting and financial forecasting activities), Past Chief of Staff (leadership and organizational skills), Past Deputy Director for State of Hawaii Dept. of Transportation (administrative leadership experience).

What experience do you have in strategic planning?
Considerable strategic planning experience through work, as well as nonprofit board experience.

What experience do you have in the area of finance?
I served as budget director for the County of Maui. I also have a bachelor’s degree in accounting.

What experience do you have in developing procedures?
Considerable experience developing procedures through my various leadership roles in the private and government sectors.

What lessons did you learn from previous leadership positions?
Conflict management, strategic planning for Toastmasters, better understanding of Toastmasters mission and organizational chart.

Why do you want to serve as a District leader?
To grow and strengthen Toastmasters in District 49 while helping to empower our members to become more effective leaders and communicators.

In your opinion, what are the District mission’s major objectives and how would you work to achieve them?
Major objectives are to grow and strengthen Toastmasters through valuable officer trainings, Pathways advancements, effective programs, and responsiveness to feedback and issues presented by clubs and members.

Additional information about yourself:
I am a second generation Toastmasters and am passionate about growing and strengthening Toastmasters.

Aiko Hemingway

Club Growth Director – Aiko Hemingway, DTM

Toastmasters member since: 2017
Education: University of California, Los Angeles, B.A. Degree in Linguistics, Santa Monica College, A.A. Degree in Liberal Arts

Toastmasters offices held and terms of service:
Division B Director – Jul. 01, 2020- Jun. 30, 2021
Area 4 Director – Jul. 01, 2019 - Jun. 30, 2020
Club President for Windward Winners – Jul. 01, 2019 – Jun. 30, 2020

Toastmasters honors and recognition:
Division Director of the Year in D49, 2020-2021
Distinguished Toastmaster
The Toastmaster of the Year for Windward Winners, 2019-2020

Relevant work experience and how it relates to Toastmasters and your role as a District leader:
I did not have much work experience prior to Toastmasters. I applied my Toastmasters experience in starting my own English pronunciation coaching business and growing it. As I served as a Mentor in my club, I created strong coaching programs in my business. From my experience of serving as a Division Director, I started building a team for my business. Basically I learned a lot in Toastmasters first, and applied everything in my business. Now, I have skills to help grow the district.

What experience do you have in strategic planning?
I create yearly and quarterly goals in my business with my team and I learned this when I served as a Club President. I now create action plans accordingly, and delegate the tasks to team members. I meet with my team weekly to make sure that we are on the same page and are making the progress as we planned. I set a deadline for each action with my team, and we make sure that we hit the goal quarterly. We evaluate our achievement and revisit some tasks.

What experience do you have in the area of finance?
I make sure that I carefully choose what tools and things to buy within my budget in my business. I revisit and evaluate the spending.

What experience do you have in developing procedures?
I have created some coaching programs from scratch in my business. I started small, and I slowly added more features and lessons. I tested out different formats and chose the best one. I revised and polished the program. I made an automation to promote it on the backend. Right now my team and I are making SOPs (standard operation procedures) so that anyone can take care of those tasks.

What lessons did you learn from previous leadership positions?
I learned that I needed to make sure with more experienced members before I did something that I was not sure about. When I was Club President in one club, an uninvited individual showed up at a meeting. And she asked me if she could join the club again as a second chance. Without making sure with more experienced members, I emailed her and gave my answer. But the way I put sentences was not appropriate, and later I learned that I should not have decided to do that on my own.

Why do you want to serve as a District leader?
I would like more people to know about Toastmasters and would like to help them unlock their potential. Toastmasters changed my life and I would like to show what others can do if they join the organization. Also Club Growth Director position will give me the skills to build a bigger team and learn how to work with team members at a higher level. I would like the experience to grow my business. As my leadership skills will improve, I would like to serve more people.

In your opinion, what are the District mission’s major objectives and how would you work to achieve them?
1: We build new clubs - I will make cold calls three times a day from Monday through Friday in the first quarter to look for companies and businesses in Hawaii that can benefit from forming a club or having their employees becoming Toastmasters. I would like to expand the district's network.
2: We support all clubs in achieving excellence - I would like to make a system where we encourage members to get more involved outside their clubs and expand their resources and opportunities.

Additional information about yourself:
I am not afraid of promoting and putting myself out there. I have created YouTube videos and podcasts for my business consistently in the past 6 years, and I reach out to people to come to my show and make connections. If I become Club Growth Director, I will be all in to growing the district. I am not afraid of stepping out of my comfort zone, and I would like to challenge myself to do new things. And I would like more experienced members to guide me through this.

Dominick Yamashita-Potts

Club Growth Director – Dominick Yamashita-Potts, IP3

Toastmasters member since: 2020
Education: Kaimuki High School Grad 2017

Toastmasters offices held and terms of service:
Vice President Membership - Jul. 01, 2021 – Jun. 30, 2022
Vice President Public Relations – Jul. 01, 2021 – Jun. 30, 2022
Area Director – Jul. 01, 2021 – Jun. 30, 2022
President – Jul. 01, 2022 – Jun. 30, 2023
Division Director – Jul. 01, 2022 – Jun. 30, 2023

Toastmasters honors and recognition:

Relevant work experience and how it relates to Toastmasters and your role as a District leader:
As an Administrative Assistant Professional I must be able to communicate internally and externally with clients/employees. I also do presentations along with speaking to groups or training new employees that are hired.

What experience do you have in strategic planning?
I plan events along with helping my boss with strategic project planning. Still learning and gaining experience in this but am open to learning more.

What experience do you have in the area of finance?
I have some but I do view budget reports from time to time to see how much overall operations used.

What experience do you have in developing procedures?
I have great experience as I help to develop Front of House procedures at my other job along with working with other department to ensure this is appropriate but checking it doesn't overlap in their area.

What lessons did you learn from previous leadership positions?
Communication is needed and if your team isn't answering find other ways to get a response, Have in person meetings (which I prefer) but this year has been tough so everything was virtual.

Why do you want to serve as a District leader?
To gain more skills and support members of D49 to encourage them to grow in the district.

In your opinion, what are the District mission’s major objectives and how would you work to achieve them?
I would say that membership is the major objective and we can work together to motivate, gain and inspire the members to stay along with bring in more people.

Additional information about yourself:

Alicia Curtis

Division Director – Alicia Curtis, DTM

Toastmasters member since: 2010
Education: Diploma Financial Services (General Insurance), Diploma Financial Services (Insurance Broking), Certificate IV Financial Services (General Insurance)
Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) x 2 (2016 and 2020)
Presentation Mastery 5, Strategic Relationships 5, Leadership Develop 5, Motivational Strategies 5, Effective Humor 5, Visionary Communication 5, Dynamic Leadership 5, Team Collaboration 5, Effective Coaching 5, Innovative Planning 4, Persuasive Influence 4.

Toastmasters offices held and terms of service:
District 100 Program Quality Director – Jul. 01, 2022 – Jun. 30, 2023
District 100 Public Relations Manager – Jul. 01, 2021 – Jun. 30, 2022
District 70 Administration Manager – Jul. 01, 2020 – Jun. 30, 2021
District 70 L Division Director - Jul. 01, 2019 – Jun. 30, 2020
District 90 H Division Director – Jul. 01, 2018 – Jun. 30, 2019
Area 09 Director (District 70) - L Division – Jul. 01, 2019 – Jun. 30, 2020
Area 08 Director (District 90) – Jan. 01, 2019 – Jun. 30, 2019
Area 10 Director (District 90) - H Division – Jul. 01, 2017 – Jun. 30, 2018
Area 16 Director (District 70) - B Division – Jul. 01, 2015 – Jun. 30, 2016
Area 54 Governor (District 70) - C Division – Jul. 01, 2014 – Jun. 30, 2015
* All roles held at Club level from 2011 onwards.

Toastmasters honors and recognition:
2020-21 - District 70 District Director Awardee & 2020-21 Toastmasters International "Master of the Zoomaverse"
2018-19 - District 70 Annual Awards Function Chairman
2019-20 - District 70 Division Director of the Year
2015-16 - District 70 Area Director of the Year
2017-18 - District 90 Area Director Merit Award Winner (H Division)
2014-15 - District 70 Area Director Merit Award Winner (C Division)
2019-20 - Distinguished Division Director (District 70, only 1 of 3 in Australia to achieve this in 2019-20)
2018-19 - Select Distinguished Area Director (Area 08, H Division, District 90)
2015-16 - Distinguished Area Director (Area 16, B Division, District 70)
2014-15 - President's Distinguished Area Governor (Area 54, C Division, District 70)
Coached - Brunch@Wenty to Select Distinguished 2018/19 (District 90), and Cheongju Toastmasters Club to Distinguished 2019/20 (District 93, South Korea), Mentored - Dhaka Toastmasters Club in Bangladesh. First open community Club to be chartered in Bangladesh in 2015 and Sponsored - Spanish English Bilingual Club (District 49) in 2020/21 and LinkedIn Toastmasters Club (District 70) in 2014/15.

Relevant work experience and how it relates to Toastmasters and your role as a District leader:
Due to change of career and life goals, I have changed career direction, with a goal to become a corporate trainer, speaker and leadership coach within the next 12 to 18 months. Previously I had worked in the insurance industry for over 20+ years in insurance broking, underwriting and claims management in national and international corporations. This work included (but not limited to) daily communication across multiple stakeholders, product knowledge across multiple lines of general insurance products, management of monthly budget (with expected growth and KPIs), presentation skills, time management skills (adhere to strict deadlines per government and regulations).

What experience do you have in strategic planning?
I have experience in Toastmasters in strategic planning at varying levels. In 2015 I chartered the first open community Toastmasters club in Bangladesh. This was undertaken by me while based out of Sydney, Australia communicating through means of email, Facebook and Skype calls/messengers. My vision at the time for that country was to develop a potential District within 10 to 20 years. There has been growth within the country of up to 25 plus Clubs within the space of 7 years, with a long term vision of a breakaway District. When serving as a Division Director, I was encouraged to complete on both occasions, the Division Success Plan. I also managed to find various successors for my roles as Area and Division Directors (in 2019-2020 my successors for Area Director and Division Director went on to be awarded Area AND Division Director of the Year). In 2019-2020 I assisted on the Alignment Committee for District 70, to realign L Division, and create a new Division, W Division. As a result I was a Distinguished Division Director in 2019-2020, one of only three in Australia. Three of my Area Directors and their Areas were Distinguished, and two have gone on in 2021-2022 to be Division Directors of L Division and W Division. In 2021-2022 I served as Public Relations Manager and one of the key parts of this role was creating a PR Communications Plan. In 2022-2023 I am serving as the Program Quality Director, and this has required me to strategically plan the year out for the education and training of all of our members and District leaders.

What experience do you have in the area of finance?
I have previously worked in the financial services industry in Australia for 20+ years, in insurance. As part of my roles as an insurance broker and underwriter it was about managing income, and a monthly budget (as an individual and team). The budget I was provided included KPI's that required me to achieve and report on a monthly, quarterly, bi-annually and annually basis. Of particular note was making sure that we not only met budget, but also a growth net increase and certain percentage for retention. Since 2020-2021 I have served in various senior District officer roles, and have been involved with the oversight of the annual budget for the District.

What experience do you have in developing procedures?
I have had a variety of experience both professionally and within Toastmasters with developing procedures. In my previous career/s as an insurance broker, underwriter and claims manager, my role included helping clients with overall risk management procedures, and maintaining compliance for various stakeholders for the risk and satisfying local, state and federal law/s. In Toastmasters, I have helped assist and develop procedures at both Club and District level.

What lessons did you learn from previous leadership positions?
There have been many important lessons that I have learned from serving in previously held leadership positions. The most valuable ones have included:
* Putting our members and their needs first at all times,
* Delegation of tasks to free up my time to get other more urgent items completed,
* Recognition of those who have achieved,
* Having a good support team of a mentor and/or mentors to call upon and working with them is the key to success, as they have been down the same road, and can see it unfold before us.

Why do you want to serve as a District leader?
I have been supported by many wonderful people over the past 13 years in my Toastmasters journey. I always find enjoyment in being able to make a difference in another person's life. As a result of my year of being Program Quality Director in 2022-2023, I have redirected my life and career choices to retrain in adult education and training. I am inspired when I get to watch our members develop and grow through their journey, and in particular, seeing a new member deliver their ice breaker, and coming back to deliver even further speeches.

In your opinion, what are the District mission’s major objectives and how would you work to achieve them?
The overall District Mission is "We build new Clubs, and support all Clubs in achieving excellence." As the Division Director, my role will be to support and supervise my team of Area Directors, and ensuring that each Club within the Division achieves its mission of becoming President's Distinguished. Furthermore, we need to focus on the building of new Clubs within the Division (our goal would be a net growth of at least plus one Club per Area, to achieve this mission at Area, Division and District level), and supporting our existing Clubs with retention, membership growth and appointment of Club Coaches (encouragement of 2 per Club) for those Clubs which have 12 members or less. This will then equate to better Clubs, Areas and Division performance. Our main goal is to help the District to achieve Smedley Distinguished in 2023-2024.

Additional information about yourself:
I have been a Toastmaster for 13+ years. I have been actively involved in visiting Toastmasters Clubs globally in over 75 countries (virtually) and 1,000 + Clubs. I am a proud member of Phoenix Rising Kapolei. Outside of Toastmasters, I live with my beloved feline, Taj, in Sydney, Australia. I am a keen solo adventure traveler, and when able to, love to venture off "the beaten track." The past 12 months has seen a variety of changes, including my direction professionally. I am now moving into Learning & Development as a result of being Program Quality Director in 2022-2023, with a goal of becoming a professional corporate trainer and leadership development coach.

Rebecca Kanenaka

Division Director - Rebecca Kanenaka, DTM

Toastmasters member since: 2011
Education: BS in Microbiology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 1980, MS in Microbiology, University of Hawaii, Manoa 2001, MS in Biomedical Sciences, University of Hawaii, Manoa 2014

Toastmasters offices held and terms of service:
President, Nuuanu Toastmasters – Jul. 01, 2021 – Jun. 30, 2022
Secretary, Nuuanu Toastmasters – many terms
Vice President Membership, Laulima Toastmasters Club, Jul. 01, 2021 – Jun. 30, 2023

Toastmasters honors and recognition:
DTM 2020

Relevant work experience and how it relates to Toastmasters and your role as a District leader:
Currently Division C Director. I would like to continue my TM journey as a Division Director to learn and grow in this area. This past year, my feet got wet and I would like to improve from this past year’s experience.

What experience do you have in strategic planning?
For my work experience, I was actively involved in strategic planning since 9/11 for the Department of Health.

What experience do you have in the area of finance?
I am currently the treasurer for the ASCLS-Hawaii Chapter. We have an operating budget of 50K plus and investment funds of 275K.

What experience do you have in developing procedures?
I mentor undergraduate students in research. In this role, I assist the student in developing new experiments for their poster session in the Spring. Clear verbal and written protocols are developed to conduct the experiments.

What lessons did you learn from previous leadership positions?
Time management is the key to a successful year. Communication is also important to be a productive and effective leader.

Why do you want to serve as a District leader?
Toastmasters have helped me in my presentation skills and I would like to pay back and pay forward what Toastmasters have given to me.

In your opinion, what are the District mission’s major objectives and how would you work to achieve them?
The District mission’s major objectives are to provide members with the opportunity to develop their leadership and communication skills which help them in their personal and professional lives. I would like to assist in creating these opportunities through club meetings or TM events.

Additional information about yourself:
I have been a Toastmaster for 12 years and continue to see the benefits that help to improve in my communication and leadership skills. My mom recently passed away, the support from TM members has been overwhelming.

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Mission of a Toastmasters Club
We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.
Mission of a Toastmasters District
We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.
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