District 49 Bulletin

Train the Trainer Workshop - Wednesday, July 31, 2024

This workshop is sponsored by The Trainers Hub Toastmasters Club. All District trainers and members aspiring to be a trainer […]
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Talk Story

Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvdu6vqzkiGNXTZNfBjdOMMB9RVgcnLjnw#/registration
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Division & Area Directors Training News from Program Quality Director Lynn Araki-Regan

Division & Area Director Trainings: Registration Link for August 10, 2024 https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkduqtqzItG92MIYd65QNVNngD2-P60QiD#/registration Registration Link for August 31, 2024 https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsf-msqzMiGtEPN7GrUIaDkfj78PxpA8qE#/registration Pathways […]
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News from Program Quality Director Lynn Araki-Regan

Registration link for July 16, 2024 https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrc-yqrDwvE9NYV5A0PyzzRRGqVwvqoXhd#/registration Registration link for July 27, 2024 https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpcO2pqj0rEtQvpF7ICLcqzDtMPjdXMZPu#/registration Registration link for August 3, 2024 […]
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District Leadership Candidates for 2024-2025

There is no District Leadership Committee (DLC) report at this time.  As shared in the DEC (District Executive Committee) meeting […]
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Call for 2024-2025 District Leaders Extended

The deadline for candidate declarations has been extended to March 20, 2024 . However, do not delay in submitting paperwork. […]
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Pathways Central Toastmasters Roadshow Campaign

Exclusive Opportunity: Pathways Workshop at YOUR Club meeting! Explore 'How to get Started?' to Base Camp Management and more customized […]
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District 49 Toastmasters 2023-2024 Club Growth Director Program Incentives

Elevate Your Toastmasters Experience: Unlock Exciting Incentives At Toastmasters, we believe in recognizing and celebrating your journey to becoming a […]
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Call for 2024-2025 District Leaders

District 49 is requesting nominations for District Leaders to serve in the 2024-2025 100th Anniversary Toastmasters year. Call for candidate […]
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District 49 Wants YOU as a Club Coach!

  Past International Director Gloria Shishido, PDG, DTM, Club Retention Chair, invites you to serve as a Club Coach!  Help […]
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Mission of a Toastmasters Club
We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.
Mission of a Toastmasters District
We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.
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