Aloha my Toastmasters Ohana!
We are now in the second quarter of our Toastmaster 2020-2021 Year. We look forward to clubs continuing to meet online and fostering the growth of each member. The District will continue to support member’s growth through Learning Labs that will be conducted by Kory Ikeda and his team. Gerald Toyomura and his team also stand ready to help support clubs that need coaching.
Sepiuta Holakeituai, DTM, District Director 2020 - 2021
[email protected]
As we reflect on the last 3 months, we can see the efforts of many of our members to continue to stay strong as a club during this pandemic:
We just finished a great campaign of 8 is Great, that was pushed towards membership payments, and ensuring clubs were in good standing.
On Saturday, October 19 we held our Virtual District 49 Council Meeting with the clubs Presidents and Vice Presidents of Education and received approvals of the budget, audit report, alignment, and nominated officers for this term.
We’ve held two D.E.C. (District Executive Committee) meetings on July 25 and September 12 as we went over district business.
Area Directors have visited majority of our club meetings and have filed their reports for the Trio (Kory Ikeda, ACB, ALB – Program Quality Director, Gerald Toyomura, DTM – Club Growth Director, and I) to read, analyze, and reach out.
Date: Was scheduled for October 17 (Sat.)
Many have asked if clubs can meet in-person. Yes, clubs may meet in person as long as they are doing the following two things:
1. Continue to adhere to the City, County, and State recommendations regarding gatherings/meetings; and
2. Allow members that are not comfortable gathering/meeting to join via an online platform.
Please stay safe!
Aloha District 49 Toastmasters,
Can you believe that we've completed three months of the Toastmasters year?! It seems like time just flew by but look at what you've accomplished: 100% of District Leaders trained, over 330 Club Officers trained, over 120 Pathways level completions earned, Club Success Plans completed, and membership dues renewed. To help with your continued success check out our list of upcoming Learning Labs.
Kory Ikeda, ACB, ALB, Program Quality Director,
[email protected]
Club success starts with planning. Congratulations to Liliuokalani Toastmasters and City & County of Honolulu Toastmasters for completing and sharing their Club Success Plans with me and their Area Directors. These club officers will receive a Club Officer Pin set from the District. The Distinguished Club Program (DCP) is a way that Toastmasters International gauges club success. The District is promoting an intermediate goal as a stepping stone to Distinguished Club status. For those clubs achieving at least three DCP educational points before December 31, 2020, we will give a $20 TI Store Gift Certificate or $20 in District Bookstore credit.
We have a District-wide Pathways adoption rate of about 72%; for those who haven't enrolled in Pathways yet, please take advantage of our October 17th Learning Lab where we'll help you get started. For those who are progressing through Pathways we'll also be discussing everything from Level 1 thru 5 and getting your Distinguished Toastmaster award.
Pathways Training, October 17, 2020
10:00 am Check-in, 10:30 am Welcome and General Session, 10:45 am - 11:45 am Breakout Sessions, 11:45 am Halloween Costume Contest (optional)
Breakout #1: Selecting a Path and Getting Started
Breakout #2: Pathways Levels 1-5
Breakout #3: Role of Base Camp Manager
Breakout #4: DTM in Pathways
Train the Trainer, November 14, 2020
Part I: 9:00 am - 11:30 am, Part II: 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Trainer: Gwen Navarrete Klapperich, IP5
Limited to only 20 Participants
Excelling in the Virtual Environment, November 14, 2020
10:00 am Check-in10:30 am - noon Learning Lab
Trainers: Laura Reid, PM 2 and Joseph Peach Graves, SR5
Club Officer Training, December 12, 2020
We are looking for volunteers for the following:
Please contact Sherry Imamura-Ryan, D49 Education Committee Chair/YLP Assistant Manager via email [email protected] or Kory Ikeda, D49 PQD via email: [email protected].
Aloha District 49 Toastmasters,
Membership, Membership, Membership! Where would we be without membership?! Without membership there would be no Toastmasters! Part of District 49’s DCP is to build clubs! Our District Mission is “We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence!” Your Club Growth Team (CGT) is hard at work building new clubs and supporting all clubs in achieving excellence. We have approximately 18 leads for companies and organizations that have contacted us to start a new Toastmasters club! We are working with those who are ready to move forward and start a club. Congratulations to Anastasia Tagayuna and Rhodora Orias for working on organizing new clubs! We hope to have two new clubs before the year is out and many more before June 30!
Stay tuned for more from your CGT! We are looking to see more clubs on Kauai, Oahu, Maui and Big Island, radio spots and podcasts on the Big Island, Membership Leader Awards and more! If you have an idea to “build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence” please let us know.
Wish you all to be safe and well on your awesome Toastmasters Journey!
Gerald Toyomura, DTM, Club Growth Director 2020-2021
[email protected]
Congratulations to all who made it on board renewing at least 8 members to keep their club in good standings! 60 of our 66 clubs were able to come on board by September 30. We hope the other 6 will make it back too. Please note the TI Month-end closing date to post September’s counts is not until October 13, 2020. See those who have made “8 is Great Again” below. Congratulations on everyone’s Toastmaster’s journey so far during this COVID Challenge! Great job! It is awesome to see what we can do the next quarter! Next goal is to gain 12 members or more! Super kudos to those who have made 20 or more! More empowerment to you.
Super Congratulations to Nordic PCL Toastmasters Club for achieving the Smedley Award with 9 new members and being the first to gain 5 new members and received a set of Club Officers pins from District 49! Congratulations to Hawaii Kai Toastmasters Club for achieving the Smedley Award with 5 new members! The Smedley Award is given to clubs that add five new, dual, or reinstated members with a join date between August 1 and September 30. They will receive the Smedley Award ribbon and a special discount code for 10% off their next club order from TI. But that’s not all! Both clubs will receive a $25 TI Gift Certificate from District 49.
Congratulations to all clubs who gained members during this COVID Challenging time. We gained approximately 82 new members in our District in 3 months! Division A – 26 new members, Division B - 21 new members, Division C – 16 new members and Division D – 19 new members! See TI Dashboard for details.
Open Houses! Open Houses! Open Houses! Many clubs have been having Open Houses! Congratulations to Hawaii Kai Toastmasters Club who recently had an Open House with over 30 attendees from all over the world and over 20 guests! And... they gained 4 new members! Awesome during this COVID Challenging times! Congratulations on their Toastmasters journey! For having an Open House in September they will receive a $50 TI Gift Certificate or up to $50 in reimbursement costs for the Open House from District 49. Any other clubs that held an Open House from July 1 to September 30 can receive the same by contacting District 49 Club Growth Director, Gerald Toyomura, DTM [email protected] for details.
In the month of October and running to December 31, 2020, clubs are encouraged to hold Open Houses and Special Open Houses. District 49 is providing $25 TI Gift Certificates for clubs holding Open Houses and an additional $25 TI Gift Certicates for “Special Open Houses” where clubs hold their open house with some special event like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas or similar and dress up and have fun and be creative! Contact District 49 Club Growth Director, Gerald Toyomura, DTM [email protected] for details. Stand by for more news to come out on future events and incentives!
Aloha my Fellow Toastmasters,
I have a reminder that the first annual contest for the best club website is under way. 5 judges, members of corporate Toastmasters clubs in Hawaii, were briefed on Thursday 10/1 about the judging criteria, and started the judging process. Each judge will submit their first, second, and their best website by 10/10, and the overall winner will be determined by combining the scores.
Read more about the contest here.
Slava Slavik, CC, PM5, PI4, Public Relations Manager
[email protected]
office: 808-600-3833, cell: 404-313-1731
We've scoured the Hawaiian Islands, and the Toastmasters of District 49 have a lot of moxy, few of them more than our September 2020 Member of the Month Charles Edwards from Hickam AFB Toastmasters. Read his profile to see what you can learn from Clauswitz and simple arithmetic about bringing out the best in the people around you and having tough conversations.
After the big success of the inaugural Humorous Speech Festival hosted in November 2019 by Na Hoku Kai Club in Pagoda Hotel, Laulima Toastmasters Club is delighted to host the 2020 event, this time, in a virtual setting. Eight contestants from Hawaii clubs will compete for the first, second, and third place awarded by the jury and for the Pineapple Award, the best speaker voted by the audience. Program includes a panel discussion with 2020's World Champion of Public Speaking, Mike Carr and Second Place winner Linda-Marie Miller hosted by Cain Kamano, 4-time District 49 International Speech Contest Champion. Find more details and important links here.
Good news for busy professionals with little time for participating in Toastmasters during the weekdays: thanks to Rhodora Orias from the Paradise Hawaii Toastmasters and her currently running speecraft, a new open community club is being shaped. The name of the club will be Forever Achievers Toastmasters Club and the regular meeting time will be on Saturday evenings. If you are interested being a part of the effort and participate in a weekend club, please contact Rhodora at [email protected]. Mahalo Rhodora for your hard work.
Do have an important club story you'd like to share in the District 49 Newsletter? Please send an email to [email protected]. We are here to support you!
Ron Cahoon, DTM
Newsletter Editor
[email protected]