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District 49 Newsletter

November 2020

District 49 Tutoring Team Established!
Published on Friday 6th November 2020

District Director's Message

Aloha District 49 Toastmasters,

As the world turns to the virtual world to safely meet with family, friends, and co-workers let's seize this opportunity to reach out to a wider array of new members than we could have ever done before. Is your VP of Membership and VP of Public Relations working together to publicize your club? Did you know Toastmasters International has digital files of the majority of its brochures? Visit their website and start using these documents when you welcome guests to your club meetings.

Sepiuta Holakeituai, DTM, District Director 2020 - 2021
[email protected]

District 49 Performance - On the Way to Distinguished

Paid Clubs 61 - the goal is 66.
Membership payments 996 - the goal is 2,551.
Distinguished clubs 0* - the goal is 26.
(Data as of November 5, 2020. Check the District Performance Report here.)
*Clubs do not earn Distinguished status until March 2021, when dues are paid for the required number of members (20 or an increase of 5 over the previous year).

What do these numbers mean?
As a District, we aim to reach these goals by June 30, 2021. They help determine if the district is meeting member expectations and if it is healthy and growing healthy.

What can I do to help our district reach its goals?
You can do five things:

  1. Regularly attend and participate in your club meetings
  2. Complete your Educational Level Goals
  3. Invite guests to your meetings
  4. Pay your membership payments on time
  5. Remind your fellow club members to pay their membership payments on time.

What's in it for me, if I help the district reach its Distinguished Goals?
Not only are you reaching your goals in educational and leadership roles, but you help the district reach its goals. As we increase in members there are more members to participate in club, area, division, and district events. Also, more membership means more funds are returned to the district, and more events and incentives can be given back to the clubs, areas, divisions, and the district.

Quality Meetings

A meeting that has great quality is more likely to retain members and attract new members. Now that we are all meeting online, has your club done a Moments of Truth? To ensure the quality of the meeting is just as great or even better now online, be sure to do a Moments of Truth with your club. Click here for Moments of Truth documents.


District 49 members,

The new District 49 Tutoring Team is here to help you with private tutoring sessions via email, phone or virtual meetings. Please contact one of the mentors or the Education Chair and we will work together with you to work through your club website, take on a Path in Pathways, or answer any other questions about Toastmasters that you may have!

Kory Ikeda, ACB, ALB, Program Quality Director,
[email protected]

Distinguished Club Program

How are you progressing toward your personal goals? How is your club progressing towards its distinguished goal? Check out your club’s progress toward distinguished on the dashboard. For those clubs achieving at least three “Education” Distinguished Club Program points by December 31, the District will give the club a $20 Toastmasters International Store gift certificate or $20 credit for the District Bookstore.

Learning Labs

We have two Learning Labs on November 14. The first, “Excel in the Virtual Environment,” is for our general membership who want to improve their online meeting and presentation skills and the second, “Speaker to Trainer,” is for those who are interested in going beyond speaking and becoming trainers. Check out the District 49 event page for more information. If you have missed past Learning Labs or want a refresher on what was covered, here are video recordings posted on the district website: Pathways and FreeToastHost.

Winter Club Officer Trainings

District 49 will start the second round of club officer training in December. Here are the dates: 12/12, 1/12, 1/30. We are changing the format slightly for some of the sessions to provide more interaction. As we try different approaches to training, we want your feedback. Please remember to complete your evaluations at the conclusion of the Learning Labs and Club Officer Trainings.

Speech Contests

Our speech contest season is starting soon! This year the District will be hosting the Table Topics contest and International Speech contest. As directed by Toastmasters International, all contests at the Area, Division, and District levels will be held virtually. Area contests will be held in February and Division contests in March, exact dates are to be determined.


Aloha Fellow Toastmasters!

“8 is Great Again!" We made it through the 1st Quarter of our Covid Toastmaster year! We started the new Toastmaster year on July 1, 2020 with approximately one club over 8 members; 28 clubs with 0 to 8 members; and 37 clubs with zero members! However, we as Toastmasters have fought back! We are now 61 clubs with over 8 members; 1 club with 0 to 8 members; and 4 clubs with zero members! We are still working to gain back our 5 “lost clubs”. Congratulations to Pearl Harbor Toastmasters Club for making it back to “8 is Great Again!"

Congratulations on everyone’s efforts during the 1st quarter during this Covid Challenge! Great job! It will be awesome to see what we can do the next quarter! Our next goal is to gain 12 members or more! Again, super kudos to those who have made 20 or more! More empowerment to you!

Gerald Toyomura, DTM, Club Growth Director 2020-2021
[email protected]

Free Path

Spread the word to those that haven’t renewed yet.
Free Pathway for renewing your membership!

Tough Times, Free Path — Toastmasters is showing special appreciation for its members during these difficult times by awarding anyone who renews their membership for the October renewal period by December 31, 2020 with a free Pathways path. Visit your Toastmasters profile, click the “Choose A Path” button, and follow the normal path selection process to redeem your free path before March 31, 2021. Please share this special offer with members who are hesitant to renew. Help yourself and others to end the year by looking towards a new path for next year! For more information about the free path offer, see frequently asked questions.

Online Clubs

Start a new On-line Club! Districts are now credited for on-line clubs!

You now can accept membership applications from anywhere in the world! During these COVID on-line times, Headquarters is now allowing clubs to enroll people from outside their district!

Open Houses

Open Houses (OHs) and Special Open Houses (SOHOs)

Clubs that hold an Open House can request a $25 Toastmaster International Gift Certificate from now to the end of January 2021. In addition, if you hold a Special Open House you will be awarded an additional $25 Toastmaster International Gift Certificate! To claim the awards for the Open House achievements clubs must submit the following information to the District 49 Club Growth Director:

Open House Achievement:
a. Flyer or Announcement of the event.
b. The Club name, name of the event, date, time and number of participants (# of members, # of guests and # of non-TM members)
c. Photos of the event with Club banner or screen shots of participants.
d. Short report and results of the event. Any awards, recognitions or special items done during the event.
e. Award is $25 TI Gift Certificate for holding an Open House and additional $25 GC for holding a SOHO!

4 New Prospective Clubs

Congratulations to Anastasia Tagayuna for starting a prospective Toastmasters Club the “Hawaii Community Association”; Rhodora Orias, for starting a prospective Toastmasters Club the “Forever Achieving”; Gloria Shishido and Joy Frelinger for starting a prospective Toastmasters Club the “Hawaii Comedy Central”; and Sepi Holakeituia for taking the lead and starting a new prospective club for Parliamentarians and those wanting to learn and develop their parliamentarian skills!

Workshop: Building New Clubs

 “How to Start, Build and Charter a new Toastmasters Club”
With the interest in starting new clubs, District will be holding a workshop to help Toastmasters start a new club on Saturday, December 5, 2020, from 9:00 am to 10:30 am. Contact Gerald Toyomura, DTM [email protected] for more information.
Zoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/82727590238  |  Password: 2020

New Club Coaches

Congratulations to Lisa Martin and Joy Frelinger for completing the Club Coach training held by Club Rentention Chair Aiko HemingwayLisa Martin has been appointed Club Coach for Laulima Toastmasters Club and Joy Frelinger is pending Club Coach appointment to Ford Island Toastmasters Club. For those interested in becoming a Club Coach and credit for their DTM, contact Aiko Hemingway [email protected].
Thank you for all you do for Toastmasters and Building a Better You!


Greetings Hawaii Toastmasters!

The biggest and highly anticipated event of the fall season in the District 49 is here. We hope to see you all tomorrow at 9 am at the Humorous Speech Festival organized by Laulima Toastmasters Club. Panel discussion with Top Two speakers from 2020 World Championship of Public Speaking and 9 contestants. Click here for program and links.

Slava Slavik, CC, PM5, PI4, Public Relations Manager
[email protected]
office: 808-600-3833, cell: 404-313-1731

2020 Humorous Speech Festival

The biggest and highly anticipated event of the fall season in the District 49 is here. We hope to see you all tomorrow at 9 am at the Humorous Speech Festival organized by Laulima Toastmasters Club. Panel discussion with Top Two speakers from 2020 World Championship of Public Speaking and 9 contestants. Click here for program and links.

October 2020 Member Spotlight

Alicia Curtis, DTM, from Sydney Australia is our Member of the Month for October 2020. Virtual Zoom meetings opened plethora of opportunities including connections with Toastmasters all over the World. Alicia, who was officially decorated as Zoom Queen by Toastmasters International, is a now member of two clubs in Hawaii. Check her video profile.

Best Club Website Contest

Please check the results of the inaugural 2020 Best Club Website Contest. Between October 1st and October 10th, a jury of 5 judges evaluated over 40 websites of clubs in Hawaii and selected winners. Besides the best club websites, we have 2 honorable mentions for the best club Facebook page and Facebook Group.

Testament of Support by Toastmasters

Jenny Delos Santos from Kamehameha Toastmasters was interviewed on Hawaii News Now. Please check this article about her preparation for the interview with a fellow Toastmaster and her testament about the support her club gave her in the most challenging time.

Previous Newsletter:
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Last update: January 25, 2021

Do have an important club story you'd like to share in the District 49 Newsletter? Please send an email to [email protected]. We are here to support you!

Ron Cahoon, DTM
Newsletter Editor
[email protected]

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Mission of a Toastmasters Club
We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.
Mission of a Toastmasters District
We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.
Copyright © 2024 Toastmasters District 49 • All Rights Reserved • The information on this website is for the sole use of Toastmasters International’s members for Toastmasters business only. It is not to be used for solicitation and distribution of non-Toastmasters material or information.